Everyone, especially Not So Silent Bob, read this! Due to the hippie DNC party in Denver on August 28th (the same night as the MOPP hash before Invihash), the Secret Service will be shutting down I-25 within five miles of Invesco Field at "around 5:30 PM."
Don't let this make you late to the MOPP prelube! Also, tell your friends in Denver... (yeah right, as if people who live in this state want to come to a Kimchi hash....).
I just don't want anyone stuck on I-25 when they could be getting shitty with us in Manitou Springs! And for all you liberals out there... you'll just be trading one hippie party in for an even better one (since we're hashing in Manitou).
Most Manitoids think Obama is way too conservative.
That is why they built C470. 25 sucks regardless at one of the most busy times of the day. Yeah that's smart, let's close down a really busy section of a major interstate at the peak traffic time of the day. The damn thing is affecting us at work too. I saw a portable command center truck yesterday.
1 More week and we will be in Colorado!!!! woooooo hooooooo....
Wow Dara, you've turned into one of those people that uses their dog as their avatar.... like someone Brownie would date...
Glad you're coming to Colorado so that you'll get some time away from your animals.
Who the fuck is Dara?
I think everyone should enjoy the benefits of C470.
Net, that is really funny! I am totally a pathetic dog owner...and am ok with that...at least I can put my dogs in a kennel, not like kids!
Nope. It's still sad.
What's worse, dog owners who use their mutts as an avatar, or hashers who try to look hot on their hashspace avatar?
Definitely Hashers who try to look hot...not dorky dog owners!
Dorky dog owners rule...hot hashers drool!
I'll give you that, Brownie. People trying to look hot on hashspace are pretty lame.
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